Miller XMT450 Multi-Process Welder

Most people who have been in a technical profession know the constant need for a variety of tools.  One minute you may need a pliers, then a knife, then a file, then a screwdriver, and once the day is all done, a bottle opener.  This is the reason why multi-tools have become so popular; they combine all of these tools into one. In the world of welding, there is something similar to a multi-tool.  It is known as a multi-process welder. Red-D-Arc carries multi-process welders because we know that one minute you might be self-shielded flux core welding some dirty, ½” thick steel and then the next minute be fitting up 18 gauge aluminum that you need to gas tungsten arc weld.

Red-D-Arc provides a wide variety of multi-process power sources to suit many customer needs.  The Miller XMT is a type of multi-process welder that Red-D-Arc carries.  All XMT variations provide the capability to MIG, TIG, flux core, and stick weld.  The Miller XMT 350 MPa features built in pulse welding programs optimized for MIG welding on aluminum. The Field Pro series also possesses Miller’s proprietary pulse waveform known as Regulated Metal Deposition (RMD).

This is a pulsed short arc MIG welding process that is excellent at bridging wide gaps that can result from poor fit-up.

Red-D-Arc is aware that multi-process welders aren’t always operated in ideal conditions.  Extreme heat and environments with high amounts of dust can destroy welding power sources. That is why Red-D-Arc provides the EX360.  The “EX” is for extreme, because this power source can handle extreme conditions.  If protection from dust and heat are a concern while using multiple welding processes, the EX360 may be your solution.  The EX360, as well as several other multi-process welders offered by Red-D-Arc, are available in four-pack and six-pack configurations to enable increased productivity.

Submerged arc welding is an excellent process to achieve high deposition rates, and Red-D-Arc has them. However, some applications require additional welding processes besides just submerged arc welding. When this is the case, Red-D-Arc also has multi-process submerged arc welding machines.  The DC1000, for instance, provides end users with the ability to not only submerged arc weld, but also provides stick, MIG, and flux cored arc welding capabilities.

For additional information on Red-D-Arc’s multi-process welding product offerings, visit our multi-process welder page.

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