Induction Heating with Submerged Arc Welding

When one of our customers was tasked with an electrical motor shaft rebuild that required them to weld new fins onto a 7” diameter shaft, they called on Red-D-Arc’s team of experts for assistance. The job required the shaft to be preheated to a temperature of 400°F and welded using a submerged-arc process (SAW). Using the Miller Proheat 35 and Lincoln’s LT7 sub arc package, a job that was originally bid at 40 hours took just 3 hours to complete.

This innovative solution saved our customer a substantial amount of time and money.  Our customer was able to keep a project —which would normally be outsourced— in house.  As an added benefit, they now have a new service they can promote to their customers.

“ A job that was originally bid at 40 hours took just 3 hours to complete ”

Why outsource when you can get the job done internally?
Consult one of our experts before starting your next project to see how you can build your business.
Red-D-Arc’s welding experts enjoy helping customers find better ways of getting the job done.

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