diesel generator and power distribution panels

Readily available power is a requirement for most businesses. In fact, power outages on construction sites and other facilities can be disastrous without a reliable electricity backup.

A dependable generator is often a requirement to power all the necessary tools on a jobsite. In other circumstances, generators can be used as a supplementary or backup supply as a precaution for any incidents that cause the loss of power. Generator rentals are an easy way to protect your power at all times.

What Is a Generator?

A generator is a standalone device that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. It provides power to an electrical grid when the local power source is unavailable. Generators are used as the primary source of electricity for events at remote locations or as a secondary source for various facilities that are highly dependent on power.

How Do Generators Work?

A traditional portable generator has a fuel-powered engine. It uses an alternator to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy, which then provides electricity to a circuit.
generator and truck in front of american flag

Generators produce a specific amount of power measured in kilowatts (kW). So, before renting or purchasing a generator, it is important to determine the exact kW needed to power your facility or tools.

Another important thing to note is that a tool or machine may require up to five times its running power to start. So, you need to make sure that the generator’s maximum power output is enough to meet the power demand of starting various tools.

The generator’s rated power describes its running power output while the maximum power indicates the highest kW output it can produce over a short time.

Different Types of Generators

Different types of generators provide various degrees of power to cater to a variety of power needs. The typical generator rental categories of high-performance generators include the following:

Diesel Towable Generators

This type of generator is best suited to temporary or emergency needs. You can also use it to power essential tools or equipment. Construction sites are one of the most common locations for this type of rental. Other applications for this type of rental include planned shutdowns and scheduled outages.

generator at emergency site

Choosing a Generator

Generator selection considers various factors including the following:

  • The first thing to determine is how much power you need to calculate the power consumption correctly.
  • Space is also a priority when choosing a generator. P, primary factors are footprint, location, including duration of need in that space, and cable run.
  • The size of the generator is critical to the operating efficiency of the project. Choosing to oversize power needs can result in additional expenses that include fuel, DEF and premature shutdowns.


Generator rentals are often essential for businesses wanting to safeguard their electricity and productivity levels. Selecting the appropriate generator for your needs can be a complicated process; however, when you’re ready for a generator rental, just keep the wattage and fuel type in mind and you should be able to make the right choice.

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