When you need to heat base metals to a specific temperature and safely maintain a consistent temperature, Red-D-Arc has the right heating products for you along with the expertise to help you get the job done.

The Red-D-Arc induction heating portfolio includes the Miller® ProHeat™ 35 Induction Heating System and the Miller ArcReach® Heating System, both of which are powerful tools that allow you to heat the work area to your desired temperature and hold that temperature for whatever length of time that is required. The ProHeat 35 can be used with either air-cooled cables that can go up to 400℉ in temperature or liquid-cooled cables which are rated to 1450℉. It can be utilized with a rolling inductor or induction heating clamp to preheat moving parts up to 600℉.

When you’re out in the field, the ArcReach air-cooled induction heating system is an ultra portable system weighing only 43 lbs and with the ability to be operated up to 200 feet away from a Miller welding power source. It’s also specifically designed for preheating applications up to 600℉, without the need for a cooler and coolant.

Contact the Red-D-Arc team to get in touch with one of our experts about our full line of induction heating equipment today and learn more about options to rent, lease or purchase the right heating equipment to meet your needs.