Every day, Red-D-Arc works hand in hand with customers to ensure that they are not just choosing equipment based on unknown or unconsidered factors that may later have negative impacts on their overall project. Our goal is to work closely with our customers to gain a deep understanding of what they need to achieve and then collaborate with them to select processes and equipment that will help meet their needs. As part of that process, our knowledgeable team of experts are often involved at the very beginning of these discussions. So we’d like to highlight our experts and share some of the work that they do.

As our inaugural expert highlight, we are pleased to introduce Red-D-Arc Welding and Automation Specialist, Tim McCurry. Tim has a background in welding and metallurgy, and has been working in the welding and gases industry since 1996. As part of our team of specialists, he uses his experience to provide applications expertise in all areas of welding, including heat treating, orbital welding and automation, that help guide customers in their equipment selection process.

This past November, Tim earned his Certified Welding Supervisor (CWS) certification from the American Welding Society. The CWS certification focuses on the economics of welding, including the ability to oversee the quality, productivity, cost, and safety of welding projects. In order to meet the requirements of gaining certification and to prepare for the exam, Tim committed to a year-long program consisting of several months of classroom and welding lab training. He was also trained in the principles of the Unlocking the Hidden Cost of Welding™ program and participated in hands-on training with various welding and automation equipment manufacturers.

“It’s incredibly rewarding to be able to analyze a customer’s current process, bring opportunities for improvement to light and then deliver recommendations that will ultimately help them realize efficiencies in their business,” said Tim.

We are proud to have built a team of welding experts who make it possible to offer guidance and support to our customers. To get in touch with us and connect with one of our experts about your project needs, contact us today.