cookoff winners
Congratulations to Joe Rios, Carlos Hernandez and the rest of the Smokin’ Welders team who cleaned up big at a cookoff hosted by the Associated Builders and Contractors Texas Gulf Coast chapter.

We entered 3 teams in this year’s cookoff which collectively won the title of Grand Champion. The individual Red-D-Arc teams  dominated the contest with the following results in the various  categories:

Fajitas – 2nd, 3rd and 4th place
Chicken – 4th, 5th and 7th place
Brisket – 1st, 4th and 10th place
Ribs – 1st, 4th and 7th place

The annual cook-off was held to raise money for Veterans and The Back-Packs for kids program which sends food home with school kids that need food for the weekends. The contest also helps support the Dream Center which provides kids in need with shoes, clothes and school supplies.

We tried to get Carlos to share some of his recipes, but he was hesitant about giving up his winning secrets.

Great job guys. Thanks to everyone who helped the RDA Smokin’ Welders win big.

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